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Votre recherche de document 419 Résultats
Flyer CELLdisc with closed filling caps (-CF1/ -CF2)
Flyer / PDF, 391 KB
Notice d ’utilisation / PDF, 992 KB
Forum No 11: A New 384 Well Storage Plate Reducing Compound Consumption and Supporting Assay Miniaturisation
Publications scientifiques / PDF, 3 MB
Sample Collection Adapter
Notice d ’utilisation / PDF, 83 KB
Application Note: UV/VIS Spectroscopy in Microplates UV-Star®, µClear®, MICROLON® and CELLSTAR®
Notes d'application / PDF, 1 MB
PSDS_Heparin VACUETTE® LH Lithium Heparin Sep
Fiches de sécurité / PDF, 129 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Cell Scraper
Flyer / PDF, 441 KB
PSDS_MiniCollect® LH Lithium Heparin Tubes
Fiches de sécurité / PDF, 272 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
PSDS_Heparin VACUETTE® LH Lithium Heparin
Fiches de sécurité / PDF, 131 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
COVID-19 Sélection produits
Brochures / PDF, 1 MB

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