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La ricerca di documenti ha ottenuto 409 risultati
Performance of VACUETTE® CPDA Tubes
White papers / PDF, 85 KB
Brochures / PDF, 477 KB
VACUETTE® MultiMixer User‘s Manual
IFU, Istruzioni per l'uso / PDF, 806 KB / including Software (Vers. 1.0)
Expert Opinion on the suitability of VACUETTE® QUICKSHIELD and VISIO PLUS Needle
Opinioni degli esperti / PDF, 278 KB
Comparison of various VACUETTE® Glucose Tubes to the Vacutainer® Glucose Tube for lactate testing
White papers / PDF, 181 KB
Evaluation of VACUETTE® No Additive and CAT Serum Clot Activator Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes for Viral Marker Testing
White papers / PDF, 91 KB
Evaluation of VACUETTE® No Additive and VACUETTE® CAT Serum Clot Activator Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes for Immunohematology
White papers / PDF, 42 KB
Evaluation of VACUETTE® K2EDTA Evacuated Blood Collection Tube for Immunohematology
White papers / PDF, 71 KB
Evaluation of VACUETTE® K3EDTA and K2EDTA Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes using the Olympus® PK 7200(TM)
White papers / PDF, 72 KB
Comparison of VACUETTE® CAT Serum Separator Clot Activator Tubes for Common Chemistry Analytes
White papers / PDF, 2 MB

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