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What was once hard to believe, is now reality. We are at war in the heart of Europe. This makes it all the more important, that we stick together and provide help as quickly and unbureaucratically as possible for those in dire need.

Kremsmünster, March 2022 – At Greiner we believe in peace with one another. We are strictly opposed to war and the use of violence. During these challenging times, our thoughts are with all people in Ukraine who fear for their lives and their future.
As manufacturer of medical devices and laboratory commodities, Greiner Bio-One has a social responsibility to people and is donating products to the value of €30,000 as contribution to humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

Donating towards medical care in hospitals 
There are hostilities every day across the country. Many civilians, including women and children, are being hurt and are in need of medical attention. Hospitals need to adapt to providing healthcare for large numbers of patients. To help cover the increasing need for medical devices, Greiner Bio-One has contributed with products for blood collection. Simesta Vaal LLC, the local distribution partner for Greiner Bio-One products, took responsibility for the choice of products and transport of the donation. The first donations have already arrived in Ukraine and are being used in the City Clinical Hospital N°1 and the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital in Odessa. The remainder of the entire donation budget will be used up over the coming weeks in a number of further deliveries to other hospitals.



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