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Uw zoekopdracht heeft 377 resulaten opgeleverd
Application Note_Glucose _Haemolysis in FC Mix
Application notes / PDF, 713 KB / Specific product-related topics providing assistance and (technical) information about the product
Application Note_EDTA Optical appearance of additive
Application notes / PDF, 102 KB / Specific product-related topics providing assistance and (technical) information about the product
PSDS_Homocysteine VACUETTE® Homocysteine Detection Tube
Product veiligheidsgegevens / PDF, 115 KB / Document that lists information regarding occupational safety and health
Customer Information VACUETTE® MultiMixer
IFU gebruiksinstructies / PDF, 1 MB
Application Report: Advantage of CELLSTAR® Cell Culture Vessels with Cell-Repellent Surface for 3-D Cell Culture in Hydrogels
Wetenschappelijke publicaties / PDF, 247 KB
CELLCOAT® Fibronectin
Flyer / PDF, 696 KB
MiniCollect® K2E K2EDTA Tubes
IFU gebruiksinstructies / PDF, 895 KB
Forum No 16: 96 Well Half Area Microplates and their Application in Fluorescence, Luminescence and Transmission Measurements
Wetenschappelijke publicaties / PDF, 2 MB
Sapphire Pipette Tips
Brochure / PDF, 3 MB
HOLDEX® Single-Use Holder PP
IFU gebruiksinstructies / PDF, 725 KB / Valid for 450241
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