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Lütfen aramanızı daraltmak için seçim kutularını kullanın
Belge aramanızda 451 sonuç bulundu
Quantitativer Nachweis von Methadon und Buprenorphin im Speichel substituierter Patienten im Rahmen des "Multi-Target-Drogenscreenings"
Scientific Publications / PDF, 7 MB
Nachweis von Pregabalin in der Substitutionstherapie opiatabhängiger Patienten im Rahmen eines Multi- Targetscreenings im Speichel
Scientific Publications / PDF, 138 KB
Nachweis von missbrauchsrelevanten Drogen in der Substitutionstherapie opiatabhängiger Patienten durch ein Multi- Targetscreenings im Speichel
Scientific Publications / PDF, 106 KB
Monitoring drug abuse of patients in substitution therapy: comparison of UPLC-MS/MS screening in oral fluid and urine testing with immunoassay
Scientific Publications / PDF, 489 KB
HOLDEX® Single-Use Holder PP
Flyer / PDF, 337 KB
Evacuated Blood Collection System (USA)
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 223 KB / FOR USA ONLY!
First experiments on the possible use of diphenhydramine as a model substance for the evaluation of oral fluid sample collection
Scientific Publications / PDF, 699 KB
UPLC-MS/MS multi-target screening of 55 commonly abused drugs at different cutoffs in oral fluid from patients in addiction treatment
Scientific Publications / PDF, 1 MB
VACUETTE® Virus Stabilization Tube (VST Tube) (USA)
IFU Instructions for Use / PDF, 992 KB / FOR USA ONLY!
Glucose stabilization right from the beginning
Application Notes / PDF, 828 KB / Specific product-related topics providing assistance and (technical) information about the product

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